
Mar 16, 2012

Hulk vs Thing

Incredible Hulk vs The Thing

Who would win in the battle between The Hulk and The Thing? Two super heros who's key assets are brute force and energy. The Hulk using the power of green and the Thing using the power of orange.

I say the Hulk because he is driven by pure rage and is an unstoppable war machine while The Thing is split between the monster and the man which will ultimately put him at a disadvantage. Secondly, The Thing is made of stone, the Hulk is made of some sort of bulletproof self-regenerating armor which is far better. So yes, the Hulk would beat the Thing every time. Sorry Ben.

Incredible Hulk vs The Thing

However, if The Thing was being backed up by the whole Fantastic Four team it might be a different story. But taking teams into account, The Hulk has a son, a daughter and a bunch of other genetic offspring so the brawl of that magnitude would be awesome.


  1. when did the hulk have kids? I thought he just had a cousin

  2. Bruce Banner had a stillborn child with his first wife, Betty Ross Banner, who became the Red She-Hulk in 2010 comics. He has two sons with his deceased second wife Caiera Oldstrong on the planet Sakaar named Skaar and Hiro-Kala and a daughter named Lyra with Thundra the warrior woman. Since childhood, Banner has been close to his cousin, Jennifer Walters, who in their adulthoods became the She-Hulk. And then you have all the mutant Hulks that are created from the original Hulk's DNA like the Hulk army but they all died.
