
Jul 7, 2012

Ewok's Are Dangerous

The Ewok species of Star Wars are a dangerous one at that. Little furry creatures with sticks and stones are actually capable of mass destruction. Earth's super powered individuals such as; Jugernaut, Thor, Magneto and Iron Man and more have been defeated by the Ewok's during a exploratory adventure to the distant planet. These hostile savages are not to be underestimated for your own safety.

Storm Trooper T220-M3B2 was a victom of the Ewok's rage and brought back through the use of the dark side. He is now an advocate for raising awareness for the dangers of an Ewok and strives to educate others of what they are capable of. See below the image below of T220-M3B2 during an interview during an Stop The Ewok's Now parade.

Ewok's Syperhero Trophies
Resurrected Storm Trooper