
Jul 9, 2012

Toddler Pageants

Does a baby wake up from it's nap and call an agent to book a commercial or interview? Has anyone ever heard of a baby that wanted to be on television? I can't imagine so, babies aren't aware of what television or any sort of things are. Just ask Gary Coleman who was a child actor, imposed by his parents when he was very young and locked into a contract so after he became aware of what was what he was bound by contractual obligations. Now that Mr. Coleman is an adult he is an advocate against using children actors.

Is it wrong for parents to force their children to be actors?

What about children used in little miss toddler pageants? Is there any sense of morality or justifiable reasons for why such events exist? Is it a matter of a vicious cycle? As an infant a little girl is forced into a pageant, becomes warped and in turn forces her daughter into pageants in the future and the cycle continues. Children don't know what is happening, countless in depth studies have been done in the field of early childhood development and basically the only stimulus children are affected by are attention from others. Give a baby a gun and teach it to shoot someone in the head, after the deed is done say "Good Job" and give it a cookie and the infant will do it again. Time and time again, developing a warped sense of reality. It is so easy to warp the mind of an infant because almost everything we know about right and wrong is nurture (learned).

What you looking at Bitch

That's right, walk away.

Infants should not be forces into exploitation. A parent is supposed to protect their child and keep it safe from the dangers that are posed in the world, but what about when the most pressing danger is the child's parent itself? Action from a third-party must take action for the well being of the child. It's simple, taking a child out of a dangerous, corrupting, toxic environment and raising it in a nurturing, happy, healthy home will give that child the future it needs and deserves, and in the future that child will grow into an adult that will be fully capable of raising its own children happy and healthy. Thus breaking the downward spiraling cycle of events and creating a better generation after generation.

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