
Jul 22, 2012

United States Debt Crisis

Okay so it's been rattling around in my head for a while, questions regarding the United States Debt problem and how could they let it come to this, how are they going to solve it, how can the debts be payed off without selling out the integrity of the nation, and more.

A plausible answer has come to me and I fear if it to be true. If it is reality I appologize for any jeopardy I might be instigating to the plan but the people running the show most definitely have securities in place against any risk to the plan that may arise.

The United States government has been in debt for years are the amount rises year after year with no end in sight. As foreign entities lend more and more money to the USA tacking on inflation rates and the monstrous total, penetrating the trillions how can this crisis possibly end in any other way than the entire nation being bought by which ever conglomerate of nations with the majority of loaned money. A century ago man tried to conquer nations through the means of force and military advancement, that did not work, so today conquest is acted out through fiscal superiority, who ever has the most money will take the world. Now back to by main point, how is the government going to get out of this? The answer is World War 3. I suspect the government has been using extensive resources to prepare for the final world war, building countless massive fallout shelters all over the United States, stocking them with many years of supplies and developing self sustaining technology such as energy, water and food that will be able to support millions of Americans safely underground until the radiation from the bombs has dispersed. Once every living thing on the planet has been wiped out, the inhabitants of the fallout shelters will be able to venture out, back into the world, unopposed, restoring the planet. And using the fallout shelters to house the planets foremost popular wildlife, they will be able to repopulate amongst themselves, unopposed as well.

So there you have it.

Two possible ending to the United States debt crisis.

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