
Aug 16, 2012

Keys to Warfare

Define your opponent.

If in doubt, test to ensure he is your opponent.

Having opponents implies your importance, maintain your focus.

Use your opponents to distract attention from you.

Drop preconceived notions.

Forget the last war.

Re-examine beliefs and principles.

Keep inventing new plans.

Adapt to current times.

Reverse course doing the opposite of what has been done before.

Do not get frustrated by people less strategic or foolish, use them to your advantage.

Seek out the conflict, do not hide from it.

Maintain presence of mind, do not let yourself be intimidated by yourself or others.

Do not panic, focus on what you are confident in.

Develop a quick reaction sense, make decisions.

Rely only on yourself, minimize reliance on others.

Take the one and only chance approach.

Do not wait to be ready, act sooner.

Act as if it is you against the world.

Stay restless, do not seek comfort.

Create a chain of command.

Look for people to fill your voids of knowledge, rely on them but do not become captive to them.

Divided leadership is dangerous.

Ensure you get rapid information from the trenches.

Be wary of the politically inclined in your midst.

Make do with what you have. Leverage your assets.

Do not rely on technology and equipment, rely on your knowledge.

Balance your ends to your means. Do not get over extended.

Use deception where you do not have the economic means to expand.

Do not proceed only out of pride. Stop before it gets worse.

Know your limits.

History shows that defenders usually win the war.

Turn the aggressor's anger against them.

Remove your emotions.

Attempt to draw your opponent into battle by their anger.

Keep calm, irritating and frustrating your opponent.

Deceive your opponent into attacking.

Retreat to solidify troops and support.

Frustrate the opponent by refusing to fight.

Draw out supply and communication lines of opponent.

Create condition for increased error on the opponent's side.

Look past what appears to be the threat and find the source and attack it.

Look beyond the opponent's horizon.

Make your actions hard to follow, do not expose your strategy.

Have purpose and goal, looking far into the future.

Gather knowledge of your opponent.

Learn to read people, learn them.

Hide your observations.

Strive for quality of information, not quantity.

Be aware of internal spies and disarm them.

Submerge yourself in their mind.

Small units provide mobility.

Must have superior coordination.

Quick orders through light chains of command.

Find the center point of your opponent and attack it—be it communication, media, supply lines.

Romans divided the power base of their captured areas so that no one area had the power to attack.

Divide groups and they are easier to conquer.

Historically people have banded together to defend themselves, deny them this comfort.

Surprise and splinter the group attacking the pieces.

The psychology of enclosure is strong. John D. Rockefeller used this tactic continually to "surround" potential competition by buying land and infrastructure they needed to compete with him.

Use what you have in abundance.

Create the feeling of being surrounded by creating attacks from nowhere.

Be amiable, but focus on the goal of advancement.

Negotiation gives your opponent time to regroup.

Maintain pressure and advance to give your opponent reason to conclude.

Ask for little, you get only a little.

Dreamers never complete, their end is always poor.

Closure needs satisfaction for all involved.

Humiliation of the defeated only creates animosity.

Conclusion in exhaustion is not favorable since there is not energy left to create alliances.

Conclude realizing the end is more important than the success of the fight.

Make a strong front look weak.

Make a weak front look strong and attack from another direction.

Feed your opponent with misinformation.

Maintain a pattern with the intent of changing it for surprise.

Use imaginative and complete camouflage.

Make the real look false and the false look real to create complete ambiguity.

Reveal the hypocrisy of your opponent.

Justify your actions based on morality.

Represent yourself as "good", your opponent as "bad".

An immoral act will ruin your reputation.

Make your opponent start the actual "fight".

Wars of self-interest are short and defined.

Wars on moral grounds are long and protracted, attempting to annihilate the roots of the immoral.

Guerrilla bands are easier to hide and maneuver.

Large armies are susceptible to guerrilla attack.

Guerrilla warfare is strongly psychological.

Exhaust the opponent.

Lure your opponent to attack to use guerrilla tactics effectively.

Find those to advance your current interests.

Help someone else you need help from to create debt.

We need allies in our sturggles—for resource, skill or protection.

Damage other's alliances.

Play the autonomous center, brokering resolution.

When fighting allies create mistrust between them dividing their ranks.

People dislike confrontation so giving little pieces is easy.

Take control, your opponent will have to fight to get it back.

Look for opportunities in a rival's troubled times.

Be patient, time is your ally.

Use the profound to stay with other people over time.

Communicate with action, not only words.

Silence can say more than words.

Shock will bring short lived communication.

Communication must focus on change.

Do not attack the walls of the fort, attack from within.

Exploit the disaffected with your opponent and use them.

Undermine the morale of your opponent's troops.

Befriend your opponent and work from within their mind.

Be patient and take small steps.

Keep your group of conspirators small.

Using passive-aggressive behavior the "positive" stands out.

Succumb to others, while covertly fighting.

Do not be too eager for power.

Train yourself to see passive-aggressive and react to it.

Stop passive-aggressive behavior quickly.

Responding dispassionately will defeat the cause.

Thwart the attacks at the point of the attack.

Create unstable ground.

Take the moral high ground, exploit being the victim.

Randomize the frequency of attack.

More effective if your army is mobile and small.

Fighting back in a disproportionate manner fuels their cause.

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