
Aug 2, 2012

Photoshop Friday

"What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?"
"Finding half a worm in your apple."
Would this be considered cheating for a vegetarian eating meat?
It's a BAE-BY!
 Look out lady! There's a wide eyed gremlin trying to eat your shoulder.

 This is what you do when you kid is afraid of the water at five years old.

Old computer games couldn't be won. They just got harder and faster until you died.
Just like real life.
 Video Games are too easy these days. Wait five months for it to come out, four hours waiting in line, and three hours to beat the game.

No. No. Just No.
 The creepy offspring of Mickey Mouse and Chuck-E-Cheese.

I tod I saw a putty-tat. I did, I did.

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