
Aug 8, 2012

Skeptic Bibles (9th Edition). Part 2

The belief that a god created a universe 12.75 billion light years across containing 200 billion galaxies, each of which contains an average of more than 200 billion stars, just so he could have a personal relationship with you.

One day Hitler and his officers were out doing Nazi stuff.

Some kids nearby noticed that one of Hitler's officers was bald so they made fun of him. They called him a "bald head."

Hitler said "Ok guys, shoot these kids." So they did, they shot and killed all 42 kids.

This didn't happen, but one time god sent bears to kill 42 kids for calling one of his servants bald.
(2 Kings 2:23,24)

"Oh, I love your religion ...for the crazy! Virgin birth. Water into wine. It's like Harry Potter, but it causes genocide and bad fold music."

- Roger the Alien, American Dad

Eat. Survive. Reproduce.
Eat. Survive. Reproduce.
Eat. Survive. Reproduce.
Eat. Survive. Reproduce.
What's it all about?

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