
Sep 17, 2012

The Best (and Worst) Times to Post on Social Networks

Here is an interesting infographic that displays the best and worst time to post on some of the biggest social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

From my experience, all of this is accurate except for Google+. I have consistently seen the best G+ post engagement late in the evening and early in the morning (10pm-1am ET). I do see some activity during the work day, but nowhere near what you see at night.

How about you? Do you agree with the times listed in this graphic? Leave a comment and agree or disagree with the findings.

Don't overlook the fact that there are people all around the world and even if it is 2 A.M. where you live, there are still people online and occupying all time zones no matter what time you post. But for the sake of consistency, and satisfying your specific audience, keeping your posts times consistent can be very beneficial.

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