
Feb 11, 2014

Before and after special effects of Hollywood

This is how Hollywood works in the age of technology. If you can use special effects, then you can shoot you movie even in your backyard. Let’s take a look at these pictures before and after special effects and get an insight to movie magic.

special effects before and after 1 1

special effects before and after 1 2

The Walking Dead special effects before and after 2 1

The Walking Dead special effects before and after 2 2

special effects before and after 3 1 soccer stadium

special effects before and after 3 2 soccer stadium

special effects before and after 4 1

special effects before and after 4 2

special effects before and after 5 1

special effects before and after 5 2

special effects before and after 6 1

special effects before and after 6 2

special effects before and after 7 1 walking dead

special effects before and after 7 2 walking dead

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