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International Prison Idea

Aug 5, 2012

China has possibly the densest humans per square mile out of any country in the world. Thus land is a scarce resource. China, like all nations has criminals and fiends that must be removed from the general public. China and North Korea are allied nations. In many ways, N. Korea is to China as Cuba is to the United States. Could it be a good idea for China, in collaboration with N. Korea to build a maximum security prison in Korea for the most hardened criminals, terrorists and public enemies?

Building China's max security prison on North Korean land would have many benefits to both nations. It would free up space in China that could be used for better things. Bring many jobs to Korea, especially in the construction field which could then be used to develop the nation's own infrastructure, and Korean's along with Chinese personal could be employed as guards, wardens and many other positions that would have many lasting benefits. Also the laws China has for it's prisoners could be usurped while on N. Korean land thus granting the government limited restrictions that could be very important especially in time sensitive cases.

But why not take it a step further, why not build a bigger better prison, a prison owned and operated by all nations so the United Nations, where all of the world's worst foremost criminals could be sent. Having a unified set of rules on the treatment of prisoners and streamlining the operations of this prison institute. Perhaps it could be on an island somewhere, maybe it would need to be in international waters, but that would make things more difficult because transporting back and forth would be more expensive and time consuming, but it would make securing the island more effective and be better for securing international ownership issues because it wouldn't be in any one nation's border.

Perhaps the idea of a UN prison wouldn't be as easy as it sounds. Sure the United Nations do good work is regulating the worlds nations and organizing global coordination. But for the whole world to agree on the operations of a prison, that might be a stretch from their ability. Countries around the world have a wide array of methods for their prisons, both ethical, legal, social and so forth that will conflict and possibly tear the project apart. Also there isn't any real need for such a prison, and the dispute of financing the project, the world economic states right now isn't one that should be spending on a new jail right now.

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